News on the Net



About the Bill C-45

Bill C-57: An Act to amend the Immigration
and Refugee Protection Act,
February 6, 2011

Parliament of Canada website: 

 Legislative Summaries of the Bill C-45



Man stabbed at Windsor strip club



Exotic Dancers for Charity 

EDC were in the news because they raised money in an annual event in memory of a former exotic dancer who died of breast cancer. The Breast Cancer Society of Canada refused the money

For more details read :  

Article in the website :

Bill C-45 targets foreign exotic dancers,
but could also affect caregivers

Written by : By Carlito Pablo, July 2, 2009.

Article in the website:

Bill C-45 targets foreign exotic dancers,
but could also affect caregivers

Article in the website: 

Bill Targets Foreign Workers


Exotic dancer files age discrimination complaint

Read more from CBC News,  November 3, 2008 : 

Dancer Complaint in Ontario

Conservative Minister Facing Gang Death Threats Thanks to Liberal Permissiveness
with Strip Clubs

Article in the Website:

Conservative Minister Facing Gang Death Threats



Canada to Tighten Laws Against Sex Trafficking with Proposed Bill Blocking Stripper Visas

Canadian Government Refusing to Answer US Media, Mother of Dead Stripper over Suspicious Death

Article in the Website, October 20, 2005: 

Life Site News

Canadian Government Ignored Warnings Leading to Deaths of Two Young Americans

Article in the Website, October 4, 2005 :  

Life Site : Article

Pornographer Twice Releases Porn Films Starring Recently Deceased Actors

 Article in the Website :  Life Site


Canada Abruptly Ends Special Visas
for Exotic Dancers after Inquiries
into Underage Strippers

Article in the website, Dec 1, 2004 :

Stripper Visa Scandal Exposes Canada’s Complicity in Human Trafficking

Article in the Website, November 30, 2004 :  

Stripper Visa Scandal Exposes Canada’s Complicity in Human Trafficking

Postcard from Copenhagen, 2006.