Ontario Info




London Alliance to Support Sex Trade

London, Ontario  
Email: sbollman@home.com


The Sex Workers' Alliance of Niagara

Founded in 1997 by Linda Cormier. 

Tel: +1 (905) 353-8367
Email: LCorm35516@aol.com 


Exotic Dancers Alliance in Canada

Publishes The Naked Truth ;
An information resource for the exotic dancers' community.

Tel: +1 (416) 410-2958
Toll-free: 1-877-228-8666
Email: eda@exoticdancerscanada.com

Maggie's; The Toronto Prostitutes'
Community Service Project

Peggie Miller of CORP also realized that the difficulties sex workers endure because the trade is illegal get in the way of sex workers getting organized. 
That's where the idea for the resource centre and self-help project, Maggie's, came from. Peggie persuaded Chris Bearchell to help recruit the first board, which began meeting September 5, 1986. Maggie's adopted the Prostitutes Safe Sex Project, CORP's AIDS education project founded by Danny Cockerline.

 Website : Maggie's

The Sex Workers' Alliance of Toronto

SWAT ; It was founded April 6, 1992 by eight people who got together and discussed the current events that effected their work places, and brainstormed ideas on how to improve the situation. After a long meeting they planned another four meetings and put out a call for members.

 Website : SWAT

Canadian Organization for the Rights
of Prostitutes;

Was founded in 1983 in Toronto, when Peggie Miller hooked up with a people who organizing against the bawdy house laws following the Toronto gay bathhouse raids. 

Peggie had been busted for keeping a common bawdy house when she unwittingly picked up a cop from the stroll
and took him back to her place.
She pleaded "not guilty" but lost in court. 

Original CORP members included Peggie Miller,
Chris Bearchell, Gwendolyn and Danny Cockerline.

A Brief History Of
Sex Worker Activism 

in Toronto

The history of sex worker activism in Toronto created by SWAT; The Sex Workers Alliance of Toronto
S.W.A.T. was founded in 1992 to fight for sex workers rights to fair wages, and safe and healthy working conditions.
S.W.A.T. opposes any law that criminalizes sex work.
S.W.A.T. provides health and legal information,
and free condoms.
Volunteers support others working in the sex trade by doing outreach and court watch.
S.W.A.T. also educates service providers and policy makers about the needs of sex workers.'' 

Cup Cake Cassidy
and the Burlesque Boom

  ''Cassidy's burlesque performance relied more on the sexual suggestiveness of the tease than outright nudity.''

Historicist wesite link:
Cup Cake Cassidy and the Burlesque Boom ; Website


''Nagy was then just 19 and fresh off a plane from Budapest, where she’d been promised domestic work in Canada.''

“Instead I was taken from the airport and forced into a motel and forced into work as an exotic dancer,” she said.

“Once I landed that’s when they told me when they told me I owed them way too much money and there’s no way I’m going to make that money cleaning toilets or taking care of babies.”

For three months she was essentially held captive and forced to work in GTA strip clubs, isolated and terrorized.

Toronto Sun February 2011 ; jonathan.jenkins@sunmedia

Link to article : Human trafficking victim says Sun saved her

Stop Trafficking Women
Postcard from Copenhagen, 2006.