Exotic Dancers Rights Association of Canada

Who they are

EDRAC is an advocacy group educating and informing dancers of their rights and working to change bylaws that affect them.

Their Mission Statement

The Exotic Dancers Right Association of Canada promotes setting standards in the exotic entertainment industry to ensure a better quality of life.
Beliefs and Values

Exotic dancers should be treated with dignity

By educating the public on the issues in the industry we can make a difference.

That all workers deserve a safe and healthy workplace.


Educate exotic dancers of their human rights.

Improve exotic dancers human rights.

Set health, safety and labor standards in the exotic entertainment industry.

Address immigration issues in the industry.

Raise awareness of issues in the community.

Work to change bylaws affecting exotic performers.

What are the benefits?

Enjoy better working conditions

Learn to work together as a group to attain your goals

Voice your views in our quarterly newsletter

Gain access to information on getting in/out of the industry

Build valuable career skills

How EDRAC can help

Become a member

Attend regular meetings

Provide input on current issues

Contribute to our newsletter

Participate on committees

Contribute on policy statements 

Participate in membership



Sponsor our special events

Make a donation

Assist with fund raising

Issues that dancers face

Lack of information about Canadian laws and their rights

Lack of education

Fear of losing their children

Fear of being ostracized from the community

Fear of reprisal from club owners

Fear and distrust of police

Lack of professional support from the community

Prejudice, discrimination or racism

Who can be a member?



Concerned individuals


Not-for- profit agencies


Membership in EDRAC is open to all.

Acceptance is subject to approval
by the Board of Directors.

Membership is currently free
with volunteer work.

Donations are welcome.

The Exotic Dancers Rights Association of Canada provides a place where all views come together to achieve changes in the exotic entertainment industry. 

This is your association,
and you have a stake in its development and direction.