By-Law Ottawa 2007

Bylaw Information Sheet


Exotic Dancers

The purpose of the bylaw is to:

1) Protect the health and safety of patrons and employees And
2) Minimize nuisances

Regulations that pertain to the work of dancers from
Schedule 11: Relating to Adult Entertainment Parlours”

12. No adult entertainment owner or adult entertainment operator shall open the adult entertainment parlour for business or permit the same to be open or remain open for business or permit any services to be provided in the said adult entertainment parlour at any times from the hours of 0200 hours and 1100 hours of the same day.

This means that dancers cannot perform
BEFORE 11:00am or AFTER 2:00am.

16. No adult entertainment owner or adult entertainment operator shall permit any person under the age of eighteen (18) years to enter or remain in the adult entertainment parlour.

This means that you MUST be over 18
to work in Ottawa strip clubs

17. No adult entertainment owner or adult entertainment operator shall permit any person who appears to be intoxicated by alcohol or a drug to enter or remain in the adult entertainment parlour.

This means that if you appear “to be intoxicated by alcohol or a drug” the owner or operator MUST make you leave.

19. (1) No adult entertainment owner or adult entertainment operator shall permit services to be provided in any area of the premises other than the designated entertainment area shown on the approved floor plan.

This means you MUST only perform in “the designated entertainment area shown on the approved floor plan”.
The floor plan will be posted in the changeroom.

20. No adult entertainment owner or adult entertainment operator shall permit any adult entertainment performer providing live entertainment or services designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations to touch or be touched by or have physical contact with any other person in any manner whatsoever involving any part of that person’s body.

This means that there is NO TOUCHING at all during stage shows AND private dances between dancers and clients AND dancers and dancers.

This includes:
NO sitting on clients laps
NO sitting between the clients legs
NO leaning back
NO breasts touching faces, chests, laps, legs
NO back, shoulder or foot massages
NO crawling over clients on stage
NO taking tips with breasts or other body parts
The client CANNOT touch you
with any part of their body.

21. (1) 
No adult entertainment owner or adult entertainment operator
shall use or permit to be used any camera or other photographic
or recording device in, upon or at an adult entertainment
parlour by any person other than a peace officer, Medical
Officer of Health, a public health inspector acting under the
direction of the Medical Officer of Health or a By-law Officer.

(2) Subsection (1) shall not apply to cameras used for security purposes.

This means no cameras, no video cameras, no phone cameras are allowed to be used other than by public health inspectors or bylaw officers.
The owners can use cameras for security purposes.

22. No adult entertainment owner or adult entertainment operator shall permit live entertainment or services designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations to be visible from outside the premises in which the adult entertainment parlour is located.

This means you MUST NOT be seen from the outside of the club while performing. 

24. (1) The adult entertainer owner or an adult entertainment operator shall post the following notices in an area accessible to the patrons and employees, in the adult entertainment performer's dressing rooms, at all public entrances and in the washrooms.

(a) A notice to advise that physical contact is prohibited which notice shall include the telephone numbers of the Ottawa Police Service and By-law Services of the City of Ottawa; and

(b) a notice that sexually transmitted infections can be transmitted through unprotected physical contact.

(2) The adult entertainer owner or an adult entertainment operator shall post copies of the approved floor plan at all public entrances and in the adult entertainment performer's dressing rooms.  

 This means that the owner MUST post up notices telling the clients and the dancers that touching is not allowed in the club and what the health risks of touching are. 

This also ensures that dancers can call to file CONFIDENTIAL complaints about the owners and operators for allowing touching in the club and any health and safety violation. For example: dirty stage, changeroom, and bathrooms
~ see S.23 of Schedule 11 on page 5.

25. (1) The adult entertainment owner shall maintain an annual registry for the period January 1 to December 31 of each year containing the names, addresses and phone numbers of every adult entertainer operator, adult entertainment performer and employee of the adult entertainment parlour.

(2)  The adult entertainment owner shall produce the registry for inspection upon request of a By-law Officer or Chief of Police.

(3) The adult entertainment owner shall keep the registry current at all times and retain all information for a period of one year of the calender year for which it was maintained.   

This means that the owners MUST keep all performers names, addresses and phone numbers, allow the bylaw officers or police offices to inspect it and keep it for a one year period after the completion of that year.

This information was provided to you by: 
The Dancers’ Equal Rights Association
Dancers Empowering Dancers''created for a flier distributed to different associations
and adult parlours in 2007.