News Quebec


So many under aged girls
Hugo Meunier, La Presse
Jenny was an exotic dancer in an exotic entertainment parlour when she was only 13 years old. Now at 15 years old, she wonders, how to re-become a teenager. 
A 16 years old teenager restrained like a prisoner in a basement locked up room in an adult entertainment parlour

A young man of 17 years old who is accepting to do oral sex for 50$ in a bar in the gay district. Displayed in court, those stories demonstrate us that Jenny experience is not unique. 

The Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux du Québec (RACJ) passed sentences against establishments that were recognized for hiring under aged girls since 2002. 

''It is overwhelming because those are the only ones we caught” specifies the spokesperson of the RACJ.'' Réjean Thériault. 

The RACJ condemn severely establishment
that permits under aged to exhibit themselves. 
“Having an alcohol license is a privilege and with this privilege comes with obligations and necessities.” underlines M. Thériault. 

The last decision from RACJ goes back to last June 21 st. 
The cabaret L’ENTRE-NOUS, from Quebec city, 
lost their permit for 10 days.

A 16 years old teenager danced there for five days ...

“They have money, attention, power and recognition, on top they have a feeling of entering a family.”

The police woman who was investigating this file describes the looks of the minor: 

“Very small, a bit chubby, a teenager body.” 

The teenager wanted to become a dancer to reimburse a loan. Some decision from RACJ states some violence, drugs traffic, illegal alcohol, non conform layout and prostitution acts. The worse sanction is the complete revocation, imposed two times since 2002. 

The worse one happened
at the bar SKYDOME 2 in Lachute,
today shut down. 

 In 2001, during a police bust, some police discovered 5 rooms in the basement of the establishment.

One of them was locked. 
Behind the door was a 16 years old in a run away who became a naked dancer 
and was prisoner since a few days.

Gangs are prowling. 

''It is a rare case to find naked dancers at 13 or 14 years old, most of them are 15 or 16.''

''These past five years, 
I have seen about twenty of them”,
  explains Anne Lauzon, assistant to the direction to the services to child and teenagers
at the
Centre Jeunesse de Montréal.

There are currently 200 girls living
in a center of re-adaptation in Montreal.

In general, the teenagers dancing 
are most of the time beautiful girls. 

''They dress sexy and exhibits their attributes. 
It raises their self-esteem them''
underlines Mrs. Lauzon.

In this era of “over sexualization”, Lise Durocher, sexologist and counselor at the Centre Jeunesse de Montréal, she is stating that numerous teenagers does not consider their activities as prostitution.  

“They often say: “ This is art, the art of dance.” they tell. Before realizing what they are doing, 
the teenagers are like being in an “honeymoon”. 

“They have money, attention, power, recognition, on top they have a feeling of entering a family” explains Mrs. Durocher.

But it is difficult to go back to a “normal” life. 
Most of them come from
dysfunctional families. 

Half of the Centre Jeunesse boarders 
had been sexually abused. 

“It is tough to but them back on track. 
They do not recognize the value of money. 
Underlines Martin Pelletier, counselor

But the pitfalls are numerous around and the street gangs are prowling around those Youth Center. 

“ Everything that concerns sex is going through them” maintains Martin Pelletier. 

Organised, members of the gang have even rented an apartment directly in front of 
the Centre Jeunesse de Montréal. 

“For them, it is so easy. Charismatic, they have beautiful smiles and addresses young girls that rarely get complimented”
observes Lise Durocher.

Two owners explains themselves
Hugo Meunier, July 18 2007, La Presse

Peter Sergakis: owner of the AMAZONES bar, 
where Jenny got arrested, 
and president of the Union des tenanciers de bars du Québec

“As sanctions are very severe,
I can tell you that owners do not have any interest in hiring under aged girls. 
On the contrary, fake identification cards have become problematic
and the whole industry would be gaining
by being stricter when hiring.” 
When Jenny got arrested at LES AMAZONES, 
she got a fine of 151$ for being in a bar under the legal age. 
But M. Sergakis does not believe he got sanctioned.

''The whole industry would be gaining 
by being stricter when hiring.''
“If there were no accusation in this case, 
the police found that the young girl has manipulated us. The guilty ones are either her 
or the people who pushed her into doing this.” 

Before hiring a new dancer we ask at least one identification card with a picture, we make a photocopy of it, 
on top we make sure visually that the applicant is an adult. 

“Nowadays, some 12 years old teenagers can have very well developed feminine shapes “ observed the owner.

Isabelle: an operator of the bar SHOWGIRL, 
where Jenny danced for six months.

She makes sure that no under aged girl is hired 
since a new administration took over, last August. 

“The new manager is clean and well known in the industry for 25 years,” 
states his assistant.

 Should a license be mandatory?
 Hugo Meunier, July 18 2007, La Presse

Forcing naked dancers to get a working permit. 
That is what is proposing the Corporation des propriétaires de bars, brasserie et tavernes du Québec (CPBBT)
to avoid hiring under aged strippers

Young people would then be protected and operators would avoid being sanctioned by the
Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux du Québec
, (RACJ)
Owner of the bar-saloon VEGAS in Longueuil
and responsible of he file at the CPBBT,
Richard Labelle knows that a working permit
will not please everyone.
But this family father, he is a family man and he thinks it is unacceptable that an under aged girl works in a club.

“Just yesterday, a girl tried to get hired with a fake identification card. We quickly got rid of her. I believe it is totally unacceptable that an under aged girl works in a club. That will leave an impression on her for the rest of her life.”

According to the CPBBT, the operators are often at the mercy of false declarations from applicants.
With a working permit, the strippers
would have to register
and show officials documents. 

The whole lot would then be computerized.

It would eliminate at least the under aged”,
believes M. Labelle.

And other dancers would be known
and forced to declare their revenue.
Self-employed workers,
the dancers do not figure in any official payroll.
There are currently 235 adult entertaining bars in the province of Québec, in which 85 in Montréal.

Bad Idea! At the Centre Jeunesse de Montréal,
where everyday they live with teenagers
who has been dancing naked
or experienced prostitution,
we do not believe in miracle.

“Even with a working permit,
young girls would still end up
in more permissive establishments”

  believes Lise Durocher, sexologist and counsellor.

''A mandatory working permit would be a bad idea,''thinks Jennifer Clamen, mobilization coordinator for the organism STELLA, that helps sex workers.

“The risks is to label dancers, to attract spotlights on them, she says, concerning under aged, there are not that many of them.”

''The state laxness.''

In 2001, the liberal party of Quebec (PLQ), then in the opposition, were adopting a resolution in order to denounce the laxness from the state concerning the dancers industry. 

The actual Public security minister, Jacques Dupuis, has decided to study the relevance of forcing naked dancers in getting a working permitin order to practice their trade
Now in power, the minister Dupuis refused according an interview on the question. 
His spoke person, Geneviève Guibault. 
The strippers often multiply their revenue source,
from dancing on stage” to the 10$ dance”
in a private cabin up to prostitution.

 Hugo Meunier, July 18 2007, La Presse

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Hugo Meunier, July 18 2007, La Presse

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Hugo Meunier, July 18 2007, La Presse
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