Info Quebec


The Ultimate Strip Club List

Strip Club Directory

Coalition to Decriminalize Adult Prostitution

A coalition of street agencies and service organizations, researchers and some prostitutes. 
With Quebec Public Interest Research Group the coalition sponsored a Conference, When Sex Works, in September, 1996.

Website for : When Sex Works

Association des Travailleuses
et Travailleurs du Sexe

4569 Mentana #5, Montreal, PQ, H2J 3B7
Telephone: (514) 527-5320
Contact(s): Claire Thibeault

A Guide to Etiquette at Strip Clubs
in Montreal

Website for : A Guide to Etiquette at Strip Clubs in Montreal


Vivre et travailler en sécurité et avec dignité. Health and legal resource centre for sex workers Montreal. 
Sex workers are on the board and staff. Publishes ConStellation newsletter by and for sex workers. 

Website for STELLA :

Parti Populaire des Putes 

PPPA Montreal Prostitutes' Rights Group
Coalition pour les droits des travailleuses et travailleurs du sexe
is forming a federal political party to advance its cause.

Tel: +1 (514) 285-1599

Coalition for the Rights of Sex Workers 

Sex workers group in Montréal. 
Lobbies for the legal recognition of sex work. 

Tel: +1 (514) 844-3207 ext. 3

Montreal stripper keeps $2M
in untaxed gifts

CBC News, August 20, 2009

Website for : Montreal stripper keeps $2M in untaxed gifts

Dream warrior

A stripper’s bust may spur a new fight about sex work
and freedom of expression

Website for in Montreal Mirroir : Dream warrior

Radicalized stripper became documentarian

Lindalee Tracey, a Montreal stripper
who was the subject in a documentary  made in 1981.

Not a Love Story 

She became a controversial, 
award-winning broadcaster, journalist and filmmaker.
Lindalee Tracey died of breast cancer on Oct. 17 in Toronto. 
She was 49.
Radicalized stripper became documentarian

Malone man pleads guilty
to killing stripper in Quebec

Watertown Daily Times, February 1, 2011

Website for :
Malone man pleads guilty to killing stripper in Quebec

Quebec Reality Show Seeks
Province's Best Stripper

30 performers selected from bars across Quebec squared off this week for provincial striptease.  The competition is packaged into a four-episode series, Pole Position Quebec 
and will hit pay TV in May. Globe and Mail, March 6, 2009.

Website at : 
Quebec reality show seeks province's best stripper



Exotic dancer in Montreal, Quebec city and Ottawa
from 1998 to 2008.